
As of Fate War 6.5, there are 9 standard Classes. Click each row to expand for more detail.

Description Strong V.S. Bad V.S. Passive Active wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Class Strength Endurance Agility Magic Luck Magic Resistance Range
Notable ranged weapon users, or those famous for feats of ranged prowess. Caster Ruler Scouting - Can move independently of their Master and can climb terrain and move over obstacles at no penalty Ranged Mastery - Can summon or dismiss their upgradeable unique ranged weapon at will 6 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:17 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:17 AM Archer-1.png Archer D D B D D B A
Those with a strong reputation for murder, killing for pay, or treachery. None None Stealth - One category harder to detect, both magically and visually Bounty Hunter - Choose a target class. Can upgrade weapon to counter that class. If you kill that class, you get the mana refunded 7 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:19 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:17 AM Assassin.png Assassin C C C C C C C
Those who experienced overwhelming rage/grief/etc. and went mad. Lancer Caster Improvised Weapon - Can pick up and use anything proficiently as a weapon, and can hurl objects out to Medium range Mad Enhancement - Can enter or end an upgradeable battle rage at will 8 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:19 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:17 AM Berserker.png Berserker A A B E D E C
Great thinkers and inventors are sometimes placed in this class, but actual spellcasters are given priority. Berserker Archer Mage Sense - One category wider radius for detecting other classes, both visually and magically Greater Spellcasting - Gain magic Lores and a Staff like a Master, but doesn't need Materials 9 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:20 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:17 AM Caster.png Caster E E C A C B B
Lightly armored infantry heroes with notable melee weapons (polearms preferred). Rider Berserker Anti-Vehicle Expertise - Deals extra damage against, and can manipulate the movement, of oncoming vehicles and mounts Weapon Mastery - Can summon or dismiss their upgradeable unique melee weapon at will 10 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:20 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:18 AM Lancer.png Lancer B C A C E C D
Shapeshifters and demihumans with powerful magical abilities. Ruler Saber Splash Damage - Attacks strike in an area of effect proportional to attack's Strength Shapeshifter - Can switch back and forth between upgradeable mortal and monstrous forms at will 11 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:21 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:18 AM Monster.png Monster D D B B C D B
Those who possess famous mounts or great renown as mounted warriors. Saber Lancer Riding - Can use any modern vehicle with perfect knowledge and control Legendary Mount - Can summon or dismiss upgradeable unique mount and mounted weapon at will 12 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:22 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:18 AM Rider.png Rider B B C D C C D
Charismatic leaders and commanders. Archer Monster Charisma - Can charm baseline humans into working alongside him Bodyguard - Can summon or dismiss upgradeable special follower at will 13 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:23 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:18 AM image-3.png Ruler D C D B A D C
Armored warriors, protected by sacred vows, and wielding magic swords. Monster Rider Holy Sword - Attacks with swords deal magic damage, and also deals extra damage v.s., and may dispell, monsters and unholy creatures Enchanted Armaments - May summon or dismiss upgradeable unique sword and defensive item at will 14 samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 02:23 AM samuel.w.stone 21/03/2024 03:18 AM Saber-1.png Saber C B E C B A E