Fate War 6.5 Class Patch Notes


  • Passive (Buff) Scouting passive gains ability to scale terrain and obstacles
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of A


  • Passive (Nerf) – Changed Stealth ability to passive, no longer upgradeable
  • Active (Buff) – Changed Bounty Hunter ability to active, now gain mana rewards from kills
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of C


  • Active (Buff) – No longer incurs an intelligence penalty while raging
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of C


  • Passive (Nerf) – Changed Mage Sight ability to passive, no longer upgradeable
  • Active (Buff) – Changed Spellcasting ability to active, can now upgrade staff similar to masters
  • Active (Buff) – No longer requires material components for Spellcasting
  • Stat (Buff) Magic Resistance stat improved to B
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of B


  • Passive (Rework) – Removed Riding, added Anti-Vehicle Specialist
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of D


  • Passive (Rework) – Removed Monstrous Minion. Gained Splash Damage
  • Active (Rework) – Removed Aura ability. Monstrous forms can now re-arrange physical stats
  • Stat (Nerf)Strength and Endurance stats changed from D-C to D
  • Stat (Buff) Agility stat improved to B
  • Stat (Nerf)Magic Resistance stat reduced to D
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of B


  • Passive (Nerf) – Removed Mounted Weaponry
  • Active (Nerf) – Detached Riding from active ability and made it the passive
  • Stat (Buff) Magic Resistance stat improved to C
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of D


  • Active (Rework) – Removed Fortress of Rule. Gained Bodyguard
  • Stat (Buff) Endurance stat improved to C
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of C


  • Passive (Rework) – Removed Identity based traits. Holy Sword now deals magic damage and deals extra v.s. monsters and unholy creatures
  • Active (Buff) – Saber can now upgrade their melee weapon again. Renamed Enchanted Armaments
  • Stat (New Content) – Gained Range stat rating of E